Remove LV copy
Using rmlvcopy we can remove the lvcopy from the PV’s
If we want to remove testlv copy from hdisk0
#rmlvcopy testlv 3 hdisk0
After executing the above command third copy of the testlv removed from PV hdisk0, like this we can remove
Unmount FS
Using umount or unmount command we can umount the file system i.e. file system is moved to off line.
#umount /newfs
After this you run the lsfs –a command it wont display /newfs file system details.
#lsfs –a
Using rmlvcopy we can remove the lvcopy from the PV’s
If we want to remove testlv copy from hdisk0
#rmlvcopy testlv 3 hdisk0
After executing the above command third copy of the testlv removed from PV hdisk0, like this we can remove
Unmount FS
Using umount or unmount command we can umount the file system i.e. file system is moved to off line.
#umount /newfs
After this you run the lsfs –a command it wont display /newfs file system details.
#lsfs –a