Tuesday 13 December 2011

### Commong Network Utilities ###

  1. Useful for basic troubleshooting

  1. ability to communicate with hosts using ICMP
   a. PING sends ICMP echo-requests
   b. PING expects to receive ICMP echo-replies

Task: PING some hosts and evaluate the output
  1. ping localhost (
  2. ping -c 3 localhost - sends 3 ICMP echo-requests
Note: 'ping localhost' performs name resolution using /etc/hosts
/etc/hosts stores static name-to-IP mappings

Note: is fully-reserved to the loopback adapter of ALL IPv4 hosts

  3. ping -c 3
  4. ping -c 3 -i 3 - delays PINGs to 3 seconds apart

Note: PING defaults to a standard 1-second interval
Note: Firewall(s) may block ICMP traffic, causing PING to fail

  1. Great for basic TCP port diagnosis

  1. Connect to TCP ports on various hosts
   a. telnet 22
   b. telnet www.linuxcbt.com 80

  1. Provides network connection information from /proc/net/*

  1. Return useful information for various protocols
   a. netstat
   b. netstat -a - returns all protocols/sockets
   c. netstat -ntlp - returns all TCP LISTENERS without name resolution
   d. netstat -nulp - returns all UDP lISTENERS without name resolution

Note: netstat uses /etc/services to translate ports to names
Note: - this means that Syslog will accept traffic to any of the defined IP addresses/interfaces on the system

   e. netstat -ntp - returns established connections (sockets)
   f. netstat -rn - returns the routing table

  1. Resolves layer-2 (OSI model) MAC addresses to layer-3 IP addresses

 1. Examine MAC addresses using: ifconfig and arp
  a. ifconfig - returns our local MAC addresses
   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:B3:98:41:08
  b. arp -a - returns MAC to IP mappings

Note: When 2 TCP/IP hosts communicate, ARP is performed to translate the IP address (v6/v4) to a MAC address.

Note: If a one or more routers separate the communicating hosts, then the MAC address of the default router's (gateway's) interface is stored by each client

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