Tuesday 13 December 2011

### Trivial File Transfer Protocol Daemon (TFTPD) ###

 1. Fast, connectionless (UDP), file transfers
 2. Often used to move files to and fro networked systems (VOIP Phones, PXE configurations, Router/Firewall/Switch configurations, etc.)

Note: Implemented as 2 components:
 a. Client - tftp-*rpm
 b. Server - tftp-server*

 1. Install TFTP client
  a. yum -y install tftp
 2. Install TFTP server
  a. yum -y install tftp-server
Note: this also install 'xinetd' dependency

 3. Configure and start 'tftp' via 'xinetd'
  a. /etc/xinetd.d/tftp - modify this file prior to starting 'TFTPD'
  b. service xinetd start - to start XINETD
Note: TFTPD listens to UDP:69, by default
Note: use 'netstat -nulp | grep 69' to check if 'xinetd' is listening

 4. Copy Cisco Router configuration to TFTP server
  a. copy running-config tftp://
  b. setsebool -P tftpd_disable_trans=1 - disables SELinux for TFTPD
  c. 'service xinetd restart' - restart XINETD
  d. 'chmod 666 linuxcbtrouter1.config' - to permit TFTPD to write

 5. Use 'tftp' client to download 'linuxcbtrouter1.config' file
  a. tftp -c get linuxcbtrouter1.config
  b. tftp - enters interactive mode

Note: tftp client operates in both non-interactive and interactive modes

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